Services Overview



Crude oil is the world’s most actively traded physical commodity. Ninety four million barrels are produced every day. The lion’s share is sold through long-term contracts between state oil producers and refiners. Freely-traded crude oil is estimated at around a third of the physical market.

When it comes to the crude oil sector, Global Group depends on its global presence, market knowledge and logistics capabilities in order to balance supply and demand as well as optimizing in order to service our customers around the world.

In addition to offering our services to private and production companies, production companies, oil majors and national governments.

Global Group prides itself in offering custom made solutions to smaller producers that seek market expertise and global access in order to help distribute their crude oil production globally.



Our global reach and international network of business associates and partners in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Arab countries translates to a better market access to all of our clients regardless of the size.

Global Group, along with its partners can transport crude oil utilizing transport heavy duty trucking, pipelines, barges, boats and tankers to refineries all over the world.

Our group continues to look for opportunities to work with crude oil producers to access our partner’s refiners to optimise their investment by accessing the best possible crude oil and feedstock alternatives, resulting in achieving the best values on products and leveraging our access to the best possible financial terms.

For more information please download our group profile and scope of capabilities below:

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